HOW FIT ARE you to lEAD?
I believe that everyone has great leadership within them, the capacity to transform their own and others’ lives for the better and that the best organisations are those that develop, empower and make use of this capacity, in all of their people. My role, as Flowcoacher, is to help this happen.
The way I develop your leadership and organisational performance is by working with you to grow your mindset, challenge outlived behaviours and ultimately, resource yourself mentally and emotionally to be able to navigate any of life’s challenges.
My ‘Resourced To Lead’ coaching programme is the first step on that journey together. I’d love you to join me.
“I took part in Chris’s 7 session leadership program through my place of work and I can’t thank Chris enough for everything we covered. It’s been truly life changing for the better and there’s no looking back from here.
Chris regularly checked in with us, so we were thoroughly comfortable to take part and I personally felt completely understood and listened to in every session. I found some of the work challenging but it’s been 1000% worth it for the long-term development.
The work we covered has enabled me to understand my own thought processes, patterns of behaviour and beliefs about myself that both hold me back and keep me safe. I know myself so much better now and have begun performing more effectively in every relationship - work and personal.”
what we do
The leadership training programmes by Flowcoacher all have one key element in common; they all build the emotional and mental fitness you need to stand resilient in your own authentic leadership. Whether you aspire to leadership or are already an established leader, we create bespoke programmes to resource you, mentally and emotionally, to bring more of your unique version of healthy leadership, than ever before.
You’ll get into the best shape of your life to be a leader. And that’s when we add any skills and future learning you might need.
Because adding your experience, skillset and future learning on top of this improved fitness, means your leadership performance levels and team results will go through the roof.
To take an example from the sporting world; possessing the know-how to win is of little use, until you’re fit enough to compete. With your fitness in place, you and your team can reach new levels of success.
WHO is the ‘resourced to lead’ TRAINING FOR?
Established leaders who know the value of continued learning and leadership development.
Aspiring leaders - you are someone who has gained valuable experiences of leadership in your current role, away from the workplace, or a mix of both. You’re ready to step into a recognised leadership role and would like the support to grow into these responsibilities.
Someone with high potential to inspire others, no matter your current role. Someone for whom this training would work as an accelerator programme for their career performance and leadership progression.
Working with Flowcoacher is designed to resource and transform your fitness for leadership, whether you’re part of an established organisation, or breaking new ground within an entrepreneurial team, or going it alone.
Flowcoacher always works alongside you and your existing leadership teams to support the choice of ‘who and when’ around participation in the leadership programmes.
how is it delivered?
Taking an asset based approach, first we’ll identify (or confirm) your strengths and learn what you need to make even better use of them.
From here and always working together in a safe and compassionate facilitated space, you’ll be challenged to explore your blindspots and any elements of yourself you keep hidden. Then we make room for curiosity around and exploration of the unknown parts of yourself that maybe no-one’s seen yet.
Putting it all together, you’ll know how to handle your mindset and emotions better than ever before. You’ll know how and why you react under stress, what sets you off and how to work with these situations (rather than fighting them) to achieve results. We unlock a treasure trove of resources in your mindset and emotions to support you when needed.
And because of your work on yourself, you’ll put yourself in a great place to spot, understand and know how best to respond to the behaviours of your colleagues, co-workers, clients, suppliers, friends and family.
From larger cohorts to one to one, face to face or online, every training is designed with flexibility built in, to meet all of your specific needs and choices around programme delivery.
While each training is bespoke to each client, every leadership training follows a clear framework, giving you the level of clarity and certainty you need to have confidence in the work we’re doing together.
Rest assured, all trainings, coaching sessions and workshops have now been adapted to be delivered online, should we need an alternative to meeting in person.
it works if you do the work
(as said by Seth Godin)
the outcomes
Existing leaders will add even greater levels of calm assertive confidence, authenticity and self-belief to their leadership.
Better decision making.
Deeper levels of empathy and greater levels of motivation.
Clearer and more courageous communication.
Higher performance levels.
Greater belief in your independence and interdependence, as a leader.
Room to grow into the next stage of your own career.
Aspiring leaders will gain the confidence needed to take the next step in their leadership and the clarity needed to carve out their future role in the senior leadership team.
High potential leaders build long lasting foundations upon which to make the best use of the skills they learn as they develop and inspire leaders around them to mentor their growth.
the changes your leadership will create
The way you work, the relationships you build, will impact on all of those around you. Some examples:
Self Supporting Team - as leader, you can take more time away knowing the business is safe in the hands of your team.
Better Hiring - making more effective hires and progressing young talent more effectively, better staff retention.
Grow Your Impact - existing leaders become more effective coaches and mentors to the next generation of talent; as a result your work will flow through them too.
Healthy Organisational Culture - flourish in times of organisational growth and change.
Have More Fun - our resourced leaders gain a deep understanding of the mindset of the people around them, why they behave the way they do and how to help everyone get along much, much better.
Get Sh*t Done - make real, lasting, healthy changes to the way you operate; no more ‘sticking plaster’ solutions.
day to day outcomes
Right people, in the right roles, moving together in the right direction.
Influencing without authority, to achieve win win.
Long term sustainable business growth.
More effective communication; (active) listening, noticing what’s really at play.
EQ - more potent at facilitating the best outcomes for all.
Raising performance, better results for less effort.
Raised levels of employee wellbeing.
Better prioritisation, less procrastination, more agile.
Facilitating the transformation of conflict situations into connection.
Greater confidence and self belief to ‘go for it’ and learn from mistakes.
Better decision making.
More courageous communication; posing the challenging questions and taking on tough feedback.
Reduced anxiety - more likely to aim for high performance.
Improved relationships and negotiations skills.
What to expect in the sessions
Guided self-analysis, working both individually and together in groups.
Group and individual experiential learning.
Small group facilitated role play.
Shared insight and discussion in a group setting.
Challenges or ‘nudges’ from your facilitator when necessary.
Written insight and journaling.
Between sessions, individual 1-2-1 coaching session for each participant.
summary - what you get
Experienced facilitation and coaching
Training consists of 7 sessions
One session every 2 weeks, taking a total of 14 weeks to complete the programme (timescale can be tailored to your needs)
Each group session lasts 3 hours
7 x 30 minutes individual telephone coaching support throughout the training
Telephone support is on alternate weeks to the facilitated sessions
45 minutes additional follow up support session 1 month after completion
Total 25.5 hours of coaching and support per participant
Standard business cost £2,995 per participant
still not sure?
I offer a free 1 hour one-to-one online session to anyone interested in working with me, but unsure if it’s for you.
I’m not asking you to do anything I haven’t done myself…
One of the scariest things for me in my leadership development was admitting that elements of my leadership existed that I was ashamed of. And I mean so ashamed of them that I’d do ANYTHING to keep them hidden and out of sight from everyone. The problem was that by denying that they existed, I simply made them invisible to me, rather than removing them from the world. They came out as unhealthy behaviour and were the reason why things were not working out for me. And while they might have been invisible to me, they were obvious to many others!
One of the greatest gifts I’ve ever received in my life was the opportunity to let these parts of myself ‘out of the bag’ and share them with others. To do this I was given a safe, non-judgemental space and met with kindness. To be told that I wasn’t alone, that these parts of me existed in everyone, to a greater or lesser extent, has proved incredibly liberating, powerful and has changed my leadership and my life immeasurably for the better.
A huge part of my work these days is to pass on what I’ve learnt to as many other leaders as possible, so hopefully they can benefit and pass it on. And so now, I’d like to show you a little bit about how it’s done and what it feels like to do this work.
Chris Randall January 2021